Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Khandi Floss Portfolio

I found a portfolio on Myspace that gave a quick description on Khandi Floss life.
It's a short paragraph that basically gives a short description to how Khandi Floss was made and where they are at now. Here's their small portfolio;

They’ve been described as the miniature British Destiny’s Child but Khandi Floss are a girly, burst of energy, edginess, girl band. The girls Harmony, Honey, Shara and Pharai make up the Khandi Floss crew; ranging from the ages 14 -16. Their music is a cross between Pop meets “Grime N B” and Experimental. The name Khandi Floss originated from the bands Manager Hazel (Artist) and began with Honey and Pharai, when they decided to take music seriously in their music lessons (at the time in year 9) from dancing to singing and rapping. Over time the group grew in size with the addition of Shara and Harmony; and vocally matured. In the future KhandiFloss hope to be as successful as the greatest female bands Destiny’s Child, TLC and Missteeq; whilst inspiring their generation and other generations to come. Our proudest moments and honours are;

- Performing at Tottenham, Dagenham and Newham Town Show
- Performance in Black Urban Fusion
- Tour in Malawi
- Performance in Hackney Empire

Here is a picture of the actually mixtape/album cover of "Crush on you";

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