Monday 14 February 2011

Starting our digipak

Researching the digipak gave us an idea how to start and make a digipak. Therefore we arranged a day where everyone could be available because it was important to have all 3 girls as it’s their album. We gave the girls an indication to what dress code the girls should have because organisation is key to a digipak. Looking at Destiny’s Child albums they have the same look and theme as they didn’t want to confuse the audience with disorganisation. Once we had the girls, we started by taking pictures of the girls round the school because that’s what we are using for the digipak. We used 4 different locations round the school to take the pictures. The locations were;
• Lockers
• Playground
• Drama class
• Sixth form block

In each of those locations Meghan who was our photographer took about 3 pictures from each place. Here are 4 of my favourite pictures from the different locations;

1. Locker Room

2. Sixth Form Block

3. Playground

4. Drama Room

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