Wednesday 2 March 2011

How to get our feedback?

Today we managed to get at least 3 good and effective ideas to how we are going to get audience feedback on our video. What we came up with was;

1. To first upload our music video on Facebook and allow our friends to comment and give their opinions on the music video. Facebook is a good way to get audience feedback because that is where we will find the majority of our audience. Furthermore Facebook is a source of media therefore we will get more marks for using it to promote our music video.

2. To ask people questions and film them whilst answering the questions. We believe filming peoples opinion is good because last year we did the same thing and we got a lot praise for it. Also the fact that we are using further technology to widen our skills, gives us more marks.
3. The last way is by giving out our classmates questionnaires this is because the class know what standard the music video must be at. Plus our classmates experienced
what we experienced in terms of doing the whole project. Therefore they will be able to give us more criticism and a better view to how we could improve the music video.

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